
“Extitutional Theory,” Primavera di Filippi and Marc Santolini (2021, forthcoming)


Key readings that have informed extitutional theory. This page will be updated from time to time.

  1. “A New Philosophy of Society,” DeLanda
  2. “Assemblage Theory,” Delanda
  3. Subjects from “A Thousand Plateaus” and “Anti-Oedipus” (Deleuze and Guattari):
    1. Introduction: Rhizome
    2. Lines of Flight
    3. Geology of Morals
    4. The aspects of the assemblage
    5. Theorems of deterritorialization
    6. Territoriality, assemblages, and inter-assemblages
    7. Urstaat
  4. On institutions:
    1. “What are Institutions,” Hogson
    2. “What is an Institution,” Searle
    3. “Institutions,” Douglass North
    4. “Bureacracy, Collegiality and Social Change,” Lazega
    5. “Doing Institutional Analysis: Digging Deeper Than Markets and Hierarchies,” Ostrom
  5. “Homo Sacer,” Agamben
  6. “The Cybernetic Hypothesis,” Tiqqun
  7. “Before the Law: Encounters at the Borderline” (in New Critical Legal Theory)
  8. “Steps to an Ecology of Mind,” Bateson.
  9. Squad Wealth
  10. “The Laws of Form,” Spencer-Brown, 1972 and “Laws of Form: an Exploration in Mathematics and Foundations,” Kauffman
  11. “Economic Action and Social Structure: The Problem of Embeddedness.” Granovetter, 1985.

See also: “Extitutions: The Other Side of Institutions,” by Spicer (2010) for an earlier (unaffiliated) take on the concept.